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Very nice game, tho I wish that the player camera operated a little better

Thanks I appreciate it. Is there anything specific about the camera that felt off to you?


once i got outside i was so excited !!! for once, i wanted to be in nature. that didnt last long...

It’s fun when you hear someone experienced something as intended. Thanks for playing!


Love me some psychological indie games!!

Thanks for the video and feedback!


This is probably my favorite horror game I've played. I've had such a blast pretend ing to be a corporate shill that I enjoyed it.

(1 edit)

Thanks I appreciate that. See you tomorrow morning bright and early. Bring running shoes.


Thank God, it was not a real horror types! I was playing this at the night and I'm kinda chicken when it comes to horror games. The environment looked spooky, especially the cubicles scene when the cutout stood just behind me, I was almost about to scream! Maybe it was all because of the environment being eerie. This was a short entertainer tbh. Good work!!

Thanks for playing!


I have never been less happy to get the job and the spider scared the living daylights out of me 🤣

Thanks for sharing your video. It's really helpful watching people experience this game. Have a good one!


Very hilarious game,had a blast!Keep up the good work!:)

Thanks for the video! Appreciate the time and thoughts.


my full play through here:

Atmosphere on this game is pretty on point if the sound effects were ramped up a bit more this could have been terrifying. The cardboard cutout still managed to almost kill me IRL. Definitely a promising little project would love to see the creators tackle a bigger project. The graphics and premise are on point.

Thanks for the video and feedback. Who knew cardboard could be so frightening? In developing it and playing it so many times, I was surprised how often that kept scaring me even when I knew where they were going to be. Thanks again.


Thanks you as well for responding good luck in future projects.


I tried this game out on stream, and I thought the robot spider part would be more terrifying, but I liked the eerieness of a forest and broken down work facility. It's not like something you'd see in a normal horror game. Many others have described this atypical.

(1 edit)

Thanks I appreciate the thorough feedback. It's very helpful. Hope all is well.


Definitely a different path of a game and I would love to see more. If we saw like a sneak preview of what was to come in the caves / tunnel it would've made it a more intense atmosphere. Still a good little game and the ending definitely through me off.

Thanks for playing! I appreciate the video and the feedback.


Gotta say it was strange and different I like that. I like the direction of technology being the 'monster' rather than ghosts or zombies or demons as to be honest thats getting old. Nice to see a fresh idea. Please expand on this as I loved the experience and would love to see more of this world to see more and to hear my reactions please see the video. 

Thanks for the video and the thoughts. I was definitely going for something atypical re: horror here so it’s cool you picked up on that. I uploaded a new version last night that fixed the bug at the end where you don’t respawn in a consistent place. You managed fine though. Thanks again!

It was a great game and cool to know about the fix. Keep on creating my friend I really want to see what you can make as I shall be posting that for many to see to. 


Quite the cool game! Not overall scary, but the atmosphere was very unsettling, and I must admit the cardboard cutout gave me quite the scare haha.

The graphics were good, the audio pretty good too. It is somewhat of a shame that the choices do not affect the game in any meaningful matter, but the is quite the project to go into when doing so.

The gameplay was good, and the story, although vague, was nice too. 

Overall a very fun experience! Great job!


Thank you for the thorough critique. I really do appreciate it. I’m learning so much from all of this!


like it, good job dev 

Thanks for making the video. Looks like you had a good time.


Very enjoyable. But very depressing. I cant wait to see were this goes.


Appreciate the feedback. It's very helpful. Enoyed watching you experience The Interview. Hope you are well.

Thank you i am very well. hope you are to. Cant wait to see what you do next. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Not scary but, definitely a bit unsettling. I think you accomplished what you set out to do. I enjoyed my conversations with the hiring manager, being stalked by the cutout, and running the robot bug in circles. I think the robot bug A.I. is a bit...buggy. Couldn't help myself.. Anyway, definitely some interesting concepts for a first game. Looking forward to seeing more!
(2 edits)

Thanks for the feedback! I agree the ending is a little buggy. I actually fixed that today and will be uploading a new version this evening. Hope all is well.


Please tell me you're gonna finish this game!?

Enjoyed your video. You experienced the feelings I wanted to create in people. Definitely not a typical horror game which was one of my goals. Hope all is well!


I really have no important feedback to give on this game. What gameplay is offered is honestly really fun. The only thing I could say would be to add more into the game, it seems kind of empty but the dialogue is great, the cardboard cutout moving was awesome, and the spider ( I called it a dog for reasons I cant exactly explain) was nice but had a short appearance. So ya, All I would say is this was awesome and if you add in this game, add whatever you feel is right. I experienced no issues, Great job!

Thanks for the feedback. It’s really helpful. I agree there is a lot more I could add. I enjoyed seeing how you navigated everything. Have a good one!

You may find some new ideas .


Some interesting concepts here for sure! Keep honing your craft and I'm sure you'll be a legend in our community :)

Thanks! The feedback is definitely appreciated. I'm learning *so* much from it. Hope all is well.


Atmosphere was there and I got scared a couple of times but it all ended so quickly :( Nonetheless I enjoyed your game! Here's my little playthrough (Polish language) Cheers! 

Thanks for playing! There is definitely more I could do here. Appreciate the feedback.


Good stuff! This is your first game? That’s so cool. Things only look up from here. The final sequence is a bit troubling sometimes when you respawn; I’m sure that’s not intentional. The Interview is good though. It’s brief, has plenty of creepy moments, and sometimes funny. I look forward to your future projects.👍🏼 


Thanks! There's definitely a little bug there re: the respawn. Will look into fixing that. Appreciate the feedback.


Hey there! I think the game is good for what it is. It's certainly unsettling at times and cardboard cut out of all things got me that one time it popped out. lol

I thought the game ends abruptly with no explanation. Maybe I missed something but I think if you decide to make another game, adding length so you can build the tension would be better. I was just getting into it and then it ends. I think you got a good thing going on with the storyline. It's just a suggestion. Thank you for the game! :)

Thanks for playing the game and making the video. I really do appreciate the constructive feedback. It's very helpful. There is definitely more I could do here. Hope all is well.


The game left me a bit confused - I was expecting a horror game, but it's more like an adventure/puzzle. I'd definitely add something to sound design to make the atmosphere more haunting. I loved the idea tho, and it'd be cool to have a little more of a storyline. 

Thanks for playing and for the constructive feedback. It's really appreciated. There is definitely more I'd like to do here. Hope you are well!


Gave this game a go, I really enjoyed it. I appreciate that it builds a creepy atmosphere, rather than relying on cheap jump scares. 

(1 edit)

Thanks for the video and for playing my game! You picked up on a lot of the little goals I had in making this game. Thanks for the feedback. It's very helpful.


There's no confusion on this being the worst job ever lol. I fully enjoyed the gameplay. Life lesson learned " Never work at this place". I did a playthrough that I will link below if you are interested in seeing my reaction. 

Yes. It was a terrible place to work. Happy to see you made it out ok. Thanks for playing and for making the video!


This game has a lot of potential! I enjoyed the atmosphere and the creepiness of it. Very scary and I had a blast playing it. Keep up the good work and I c

an't wait to see more :)

I appreciate you playing! Also appreciate the feedback. Will definitely keep that in mind for next time.


Loved it! Especially the weird end (the robot? lol).. Cool stuff. Video #2

Thanks for playing!


Great game! I was quite scared at the beginning. I really don't like to work in a place like this. 




(1 edit) (+1)

Here is the gameplay. Hope you like it! I am waiting for another job interview :)


Appreciate the video. Thanks for making it and for playing my game!


Not too long ago, I had opportunity to play The Interview. And let me tell you, I wasn't disappointed. In fact, I rather enjoyed Geoff's latest game! Why? I was legitimately spooked several times, most memorable was the sound of a door unlocking after solving a puzzle. A door unlocking! That's a testament to the spooky atmosphere Geoff conjured up for his debut game. Well done!
(1 edit)

Thanks for posting. It's strange seeing those hills without grass. :)


Robot spider!

Thanks for playing!


This was a great experience! Full of humor and topped with a layer of uneasiness. I got pretty freaked out at the end too! I very much enjoyed playing this! Great work! 


Great video. I appreciate the effort you put into it. Thanks for playing and for the feedback!


I'm pretty sure I nailed the interview, but that robot spider thing scared the crap out of me.

Enjoyed the video! Thanks for playing. You dealt with the robot spider quite well. :-)


I think you did a great job of making fun of the common interview experience in the real world. As a deaf person I have gone through a lot of interviews due to not so subtle discrimination. However this game was fun and I liked the "options" given during the questions. If I were give feedback on this game it would be to add more Erik like elements. Add more unexpected dangerous moments, maybe in the caves areas. Thanks for making this game and made me laugh!

I enjoyed your play through and I appreciate your perspective. Your feedback is great and I will definitely add a bit more next time. Happy to hear you got a laugh out of it too.



Thanks! It’s a lot of fun seeing how people approach key parts of this game. Appreciate you taking the time to make this.

(2 edits) (+1)

Gameplay if you're interested: 

I really liked this, I think it stands out and I love the sense of humour and the angle you're coming from. It's too short for a lot of critiques but my main improvement would be how the short chase operates, I think it almost necessitates trial and error in such a small space but I suppose that makes it more urgent too! Followed you, looking forward to whatever comes next.

(1 edit) (+1)

Appreciate the thorough playthrough. It's an excellent critique and you did notice a lot of the subtle things that are there. Your experience encompassesd so much of what I was hoping people would get out of this game. Thanks for the time!

Thanks for making it!


Simple, but a good and fun game. Congrats.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback. Excellent performance.


Great and atmospheric game dev 

(1 edit)

Happy to hear you enjoyed the atmosphere. Glad you made it out!


Hello, I played this game and I liked it, it was a pretty fun little game, good work :)

I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for playing!


I enjoyed the game, was confused by the ending...or the overall point. But I did jumpscare myself pretty bad which made it all worth it haha!

(2 edits)

Thanks for playing and for the commentary. There are things I could say about the overall point, but a lot of it is open to interpretation. Appreciate you taking the time to experience The Interview.


Hello my friend very good work I wouldn't like a job at this place.

Thanks for playing!

Your Welcome

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